The smallest fire extinguisher in the world

Fire protection in media technology? Fires regularly break out in electronics.
Before a major electrical fire starts, the world's smallest fire extinguisher
automatically extinguishes the source of danger, directly inside the media technology.
Through this the E-Bulb makes safe devices even safer.

The smallest fire extinguisher in the world

Brandschutz in Medientechnik? Regelmäßig brennt es in der Elektronik. Doch, bevor es zum großen Elektrobrand kommt, löscht der kleinste Feuerlöscher der Welt die Gefahrenquelle in der Medientechnik von selbst. So macht die E-Bulb sichere Geräte noch sicherer.

Business interruption is the greatest risk for companies (caused, among other things, by fires)

30% of all fires are caused by electricity, many of them in electrical appliances

Source: ifs-ev.org 2022, Causes of Fire Damage Statistics

DIN EN 13501-1 - Fire protection requirements for media technology are complex

Source: Beuth

NEU: VdS 6024 schafft Klarheit für die Nutzung von elektrischen Geräten in sensiblen Bereichen.

Das VdS-Merkblatt 6024 wurde am 01.09.2023 veröffentlicht und erleichtert seit dem die brandschutzrechtliche Beurteilung für Baubehörden und Brandschutzplanern wenn elektrische Geräte in sensiblen Bereichen, wie Flucht- & Rettungswegen aufgestellt werden sollen. 

BEST sensible Bereiche 2024

Am 8. & 9. Oktober 2024 in Hamburg

Brandschutz. Experten. Seminar & Training 

Die Eventreihe BEST bietet seit über drei Jahren Entscheidern von und über sensiblen Bereichen (Baubehörden, Brandschutzplanern, Elektroherstellern, Feuerwehren, etc.) eine unabhängige Plattform. Wir sind aktuell in der Planung für BEST 2024. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte dem Link beim Klick auf den Button. 

Statistically, a fire breaks out in Germany every 6 minutes due to electricity. Many fires start in electrical devices, including media technology. For example, in January 2021 a fire broke out in the world-famous motorcycle museum in the Tyrolean Ötztal, which started inside a presentation monitor. In the end, the whole museum burnt down and only a few of the valuable exhibits could be saved. This damage could have been prevented with device-integrated fire protection.

To avoid expensive damage or business interruption in the event of a fire, it makes sense to detect the fire as early as possible, extinguishing it directly at its origin while the fire is still small. It is precisely there, at the origin of the fire, where device-integrated fire protection comes into play. The fire protection concepts used in the past are good, but they usually only extinguish the fire when it has spread beyond the media technology.

With device-integrated fire protection, safe electronics can be made even safer.

What fire protection requirements are placed on media technology?

What fire protection requirements are placed on media technology?

In public buildings, such as theaters, schools, hotels, administration buildings, trade fair and exhibition halls, and other sensitive areas, such as hospitals, airports and shopping centers, i.e. areas open to the public, wide-ranging fire protection regulations apply. The fire protection requirements for installing media technology in these sensitive areas are often extensive. In order to be able to install digital signage, information points, or LED walls, for example, additional fire protection requirements must usually be met.

With device-integrated fire protection and the E-Bulb, media technology for these areas can be upgraded easily and cost-effectively. As a result, it is often possible to implement media installations in previously unthinkable areas, even in escape and rescue routes.

E-Bulb in Display_Röntgen
E-Bulb in Display_Röntgen

Example: This is how the
E-Bulb & AMFE are installed in media technology

Use our interactive slider to see how the E-Bulb is integrated into a media installation, using an information point as an example.

E-Bulb wins UK Safety Innovation Award 2020

What is the E-Bulb?

The E-Bulb is also known as the smallest fire extinguisher in the world. The smallest version of the E-Bulb is just two centimeters tall and fits into almost any media technology.

The E-Bulb can be installed directly inside media technology by manufacturers and certified system integrators, thus protecting the technology from within. Should there be a technical defect in the media technology, causing a fire to start, the E-Bulb can detect the fire, extinguish it, and prevent reignition before the fire emerges from the device potentially causing major damage.

Recognized by:
UL Logo
MPA Dresden Logo

The E-Bulb is a CIFEA (UL 60692) and a UL recognized component

What is the AMFE?

The AMFE is a self-sufficient, power-independent automatic miniature fire extinguishing unit. The AMFE supplements the smallest fire extinguisher, the E-Bulb, for volumes too large for the E-Bulb to protect alone. With its 6 different sizes and fully selectable activation temperatures from 68 ° C to 141 ° C, the AMFE offers permanent and retrofittable security against the inherent fire risk, with free volumes of up to 1.5m³. This makes the small AMFE ideal for use in somewhat larger media technology devices and systems.

Where can AMFE be used

This makes the small AMFE ideal for use in somewhat larger media technology devices and systems. The AMFE range can be installed directly into media technology by manufacturers and certified system integrators, thus protecting the technology from the inside. If there should be a fire-inducing defect in the media technology, the AMFE detects it, fights the fire directly at the origin, long before an external effect occurs, and it can even report its activation to the operator via a signal circuit. The simple installation also enables existing systems to be retrofitted. By actively interconnecting several AMFEs (R-AMFE), volumes slightly larger than 1.5m³ can also be protected (ask us!).

Recognized by:
MPA Dresden Logo

How can the investment be earned back?

The E-Bulb is an innovation that protects and saves costs.

Protection against
business interruptions

Every second counts in a fire. The earlier the fire is discovered and extinguished, the less damage occurs. Those using E-Bulbs can completely protect themselves from business interruptions, or at least shorten the interruption time. Every third fire in industry causes property damage of over €500,000, often as a result of the incident the affected companies do not recover. Only 23 percent of the firms affected by the fires can fully resume business operations. However, more than 40 percent of the companies have to completely shut down their operations after a fire (Source: “Logistics Today”). The safety gain through the use of integrated fire protection represents a very good cost-benefit ratio.

Building approval also in an escape route

In sensitive areas such as shopping centers, trade fairs, airports or train stations, electrical appliances often change from being the “cause of fire” to being “involved in the fire”. By installing and using device-integrated fire protection, such as E-Bulbs, electrical devices such as digital signage and LED advertising screens become safer. This means that printers, televisions or billboards can be given installation approval even in escape route areas.

Gain competitive

As a manufacturer or operator, you can get ahead of your competitors with the E-Bulb because:

  • Safety as a product characteristic is valued by customers and leads to higher customer satisfaction
  • A device-integrated fire-stop can be a unique selling point in your industry, securing important market share for you
  • Preventive fire protection can help to win new orders
  • The E-Bulb can help market the added value of an integrated fire-stop to customers

Where is device-integrated fire protection already state of the art?

Preventive Fire Protection:
Projects & Case Studies

Preventive Fire Protection:
Projects & Case Studies

Through the professional cooperation between operators, manufacturers / system integrators, fire protection experts,
test institutes, and the JOB Design-in team, many projects have already been successfully delivered. Here is a selection of some interesting projects:

Frankfurt Airport

Case Study Flughafen Frankfurt

Frankfurt am Main Airport is the largest airport in Germany and the 15th largest airport worldwide (in terms of passenger volume). The security requirements for every type of technical infrastructure there are correspondingly high. In order to obtain approval for the installation of media technology in this sensitive environment, along with others SAMSUNG technology was equipped with E-Bulbs to enable a large LED wall in Terminal 1 (A). From the point of view of the fire protection experts, this made it possible to change the media technology from being the potential “cause of the fire” to being “involved in the fire”.

Berlin Airport (BER)

The new international airport in Berlin faced the challenge of gaining approval to use modern digital media technology in public and semi-public areas, without having to significantly change the existing fire protection concept. Modern electronic information points fitted with a self-extinguishing device were required. Automatic miniature fire extinguishing units AMFE from JOB were used. Thanks to the proven fire detection by Thermo Bulbs, which are also used in billions of sprinklers around the world, any fire that may arise within the display electronics can be detected as early as possible and effectively extinguished directly at its origin. By using the S-AMFE, which makes activation detectable, the affected device is disconnected from the power supply at the same time, so that no re-ignition can take place. The integration of AMFE to minimize risk ensures maximum safety for passengers and visitors to BER Airport.

Airport Hamburg

Hamburg Airport relies on integrated fire protection for the new "Plaza Window" LED wall. 

BenHur GmbH and Sharp NEC were awarded the contract for the delivery and installation of a media wall directly after the security checkpoint. A real eye-catcher.

Hamburg Airport is one of the largest in Germany and at the same time the oldest in the Federal Republic. On average, almost 150,000 aircraft with around 17,000 passengers and over 20,000 tons of air freight take off and land there every year.

A sophisticated fire protection concept was developed and implemented to ensure that all fire scenarios are covered. One building block was the integration of e-bulbs in order to combat a possible brand from within in the early stages. An added value that pays off for everyone involved (visitors, operators, media technology manufacturers and system integrators).


Vehicle Showcase (FRA)


Due to the special spatial requirements, R-AMFE were used here connected to a control box, which activates all AMFEs at the same time through external smoke switches, to ensure the necessary design concentration of the extinguishing agent at every point within the platform. In addition, the R-AMFE always activates through thermal triggering, almost redundantly. The system integrator, BenHur GmbH, has successfully used this solution on many other devices in critical application areas (public spaces). By integrating the AMFE to minimize risk, this interesting installation in the security area of the airport was approved, as this guarantees maximum safety for passengers and visitors to the airport.

Digital bulletin board

With the digital noticeboard, gekartel AG has developed a modern medium for interaction and communication in apartment buildings. A touchscreen replaces the outdated paper notices on the bulletin boards providing real-time information about the latest news, or the next hallway cleaning. Residents can send digital content to the housing cooperative, which publishes the notifications from the headquarters to individual house entrances, selected addresses, or the entire estate.

Despite these benefits, the installation was often halted due to the strict fire protection regulations for listed buildings, because the wood-panelled hallways, as escape and rescue routes, count as sensitive areas in which even the smallest electrical fire could quickly spread to a large-scale fire. This would jeopardize the safety goal of safely rescuing the residents. denkmalgeschützten Häusern, denn die holzvertäfelten Hausflure gelten wie Flucht- und Rettungswege als sensible Bereiche, in denen sich schon der kleinste Elektrobrand schnell zu einem großflächigen Brandgeschehen ausweiten könnte. Das Schutzziel zur sicheren Rettung der Bewohner wäre dadurch gefährdet. Dank integrierten Brandschutz ist es möglich das Schutzziel sicher zu erreichen und eine Installation zu ermöglichen.

Digital Signage "Lena"

The topic of fire protection in digital displays is complicated and difficult to understand, which is why Werkstation GmbH set itself the task of finding the most innovative solution possible to meet all the requirements. This is how the Lena FP Pro Display (Fire Protection Professional range) was developed.

The built-in extinguishing and smoke detection units are AMFE systems from JOB GmbH. As soon as a fire breaks out, the AMFE triggers and extinguishes it with a non-toxic gas without causing further damage.

Integrate this innovation into your electronics too! We’ll support you!

Feedback about the technology

How does a “cause of the fire” become just “involved in the fire”?

From the point of view of insurers and fire protection experts, electrical devices such as media technology are “causes of fire”. If you manage to protect against the inherent fire risk of media technology, there is a possibility that media technology will be classified as a party “involved in the fire” and installation approval can be granted. The following steps demonstrate how this can work:

Step 1:


The first step is to check the fire protection requirements for media technology on the part of the future operator, the insurance company, and the applicable building regulations.

Step 2:


As soon as the requirements have been clarified, the JOB Design-in team can work with the manufacturer, or system integrator, to adapt the design with regard to integrated fire protection. An initial theoretical analysis of the facts is usually followed by fire and extinguishing simulations, and finally extinguishing tests.

Step 3:

Verification of
protective effect

In addition to considering the fire risk from the inside (including electronics), the fire risk from the outside must also be assessed. Independent institutes and material testing institutes provide support with the verification, e.g. in relation to the material testing standard DIN EN13501-1 and the classification according to A, S, D (including droplet formation).

Step 4:


After extensive testing, the overall concept is submitted to the future operator, the engineering office, and / or the approval authority for approval. Thanks to this stringent procedure, many successful projects with device-integrated fire protection have already been implemented cost-effectively.

Fire protection in sensitive areas,
which fire risks are considered?

Basically, two scenarios are assessed in a risk assessment. On the one hand the fire risk from the outside, and on the other hand the fire riskfrom the inside, e.g. due to a technical defect. Media technology must be designed in such a way that both scenarios pose no danger.

External fire risk

In the field of media technology, DIN EN 13501-1 has prevailed. The European classification for the fire behavior of building materials describes additional parameters such as smoke development and burning waste / dripping. The materials must not generate burning droplets and should have low smoke emissions. In addition, smoke development (smoke: classes s1, s2 and s3) and burning droplets (droplets: classes d0, d1, d2) are classified:

s1: low smoke development s2: medium smoke development
s3: high smoke development
d0: no flaming droplets / falling off within 600 seconds
d1: no flaming droplets / falling off with an afterburn time longer than 10 seconds within 600 seconds
d2: no performance determined

As a manufacturer of fire protection components, we cannot tell you whether your media technology meets these requirements; it is advisable to have the media technology checked by an independent certification body. However, we can support you in minimizing the inherent fire risk.

Internal fire risk

With integrated fire protection and E-Bulb & AMFE, the inherent fire risk can be minimized. Experience has shown that the manufacturer or system integrator comes to us to implement the integration of the mini fire extinguisher into a specific product (LED module, digital signage, interactive info point, etc.) In cooperation with the JOB Design-in team, a fire protection concept is created after completion of a technical assessment, simulations and extinguishing tests. This fire protection concept is then checked and approved by the engineering office, or the future operator.

Integrate this innovation in your products too! We’ll help you!

Would you like to specify integrated fire protection?

In the press

Play Video
Play Video

Report on German TV channel RTL

Technical specifications

E-Bulb & AMFE

Extinguish fire


Interrupt power





Ø 5 x 20 mm

Protected volume*:

0,416 Liter

14 fl oz


Ø 5 x 40 mm

Protected volume*:

1,049 Liter

35,5 fl oz


Ø 7 x 40 mm

Protected volume*:

2,212 Liter

75 fl oz

All technical data on the E-Bulb including data sheets, manuals, 3D data, presentations and design-in guides, etc. can be found in our download area. To access these you can simply register below and get started.

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Datasheet (5x40 10A)


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E-Bulb Design-In Guide EN


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Handbook and certificates


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3D Models


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(Automatic Mini Fire Extinguisher Unit)


AMFE head

cylinder size

Connection to
reporting technology

Cylinder size Protected volume (fire protection agent: FK-5-1-12)
Class A fire
(4,2% NFPA 2001)
Class B fire
(5,9% NFPA 2001)
60 liters
40 liters
190 liters
140 liters
320 liters
230 liters
640 liters
460 liters
960 liters
690 liters
1.610 liters
1,150 liters

Only for reference. The actual sizing is the responsibility of the customer. Protected volumes are estimates. NFPA2001 (2012) standard formulas have been applied. JOB GmbH is not responsible for sizing.

Data sheets


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Firefighter at infoscreen

Get in touch!

We’ll support you to make your electronics even safer

Your Contact

Markus Fiebig
Senior Product & Business Development Manager
Device-Integrated Fire Protection

Phone +49 4102 2114-223
Mail: markus.fiebig@job-group.com

Kurt-Fischer-Str. 30
22926 Ahrensburg


Markus Fiebig - Senior Business Development Manager